Capacity building of youth workers to fight discrimination against Roma
Funding Programme
Learning Mobility of Individuals, Youth mobility
01.09.2018 -30.09.2019
55,546.00 €
🇮🇹Italy 🇷🇴Romania 🇲🇰North Macedonia 🇦🇱Albania 🇷🇸Serbia 🇩🇪Germany 🇪🇸Spain 🇸🇰Slovakia 🇨🇿Czech Republic 🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇱🇹Lithuania 🇬🇷Greece 🇹🇷Turkey 🇸🇰Slovakia
Project Number
Capacity building of youth workers to fight discrimination against Roma
Roma, Europe’s largest minority, have been an integral part of European society for centuries. Despite efforts at national,and European level to improve the protection of their fundamental rights and advance their social integration, many Roma still face prejudice, intolerance, discrimination, antigypsyism and limited access to rights in their daily lives. They are marginalized, and many experience deep poverty and extremely poor socio-economic conditions.
Deeply rooted prejudice and discrimination that many Roma face contribute to their social exclusion. The most extreme manifestation of anti-Gypsyism is in hate crime and hate speech, which Member States need to address as these fall under the scope of the EU’s Framework Decision on Combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia. Hate speech and hate crime also affect the Roma population disproportionately and several political parties across Europe use the Roma population as scapegoats for social and economic problems in their countries. This widespread rhetoric of hate makes the Roma even more vulnerable and marginalized. The findings of FRA surveys explicitly are proving the high discrimination of Roma community just because of their Roma origin. Beside the public and institutional discrimination in these findings are registered and many physical attacks, radicalization and extremism. European Parliament resolution of 15 April 2015 Underlines the need to combat anti-Gypsyism at every level and by every means, and stresses that this phenomenon is an especially persistent, violent, recurrent and commonplace form of racism.
To develop the skills of youth workers and multipliers to apply Living Library, HRE as non-formal educational methods in their work with Roma young people
– To raise the awareness of discrimination and its negative consequences to Roma young people that led them to social exclusion, marginalization and racism.
– To exchange and share realities about the marginalization and social exclusion faced by Roma young people from different European countries
– To promote tolerance and respect for human rights;
– Fostered mutual understanding and tolerance between different cultures, with accent of Roma culture
1. Training course Anti Gypsism and Hate Speech Online. It has addressed the following elements: Positive attitude and lack of prejudice towards Roma; Motivation to address examples of prejudice and discrimination against Roma ;Willingness to engage in dialogue with other groups and organizations (including Roma); Improved communication and participation skills ;Strong self-image and sense of identity ; Better understanding of human rights and discrimination
2. Youth exchange Roma Identity = Europe Identity; The YE iwas about the International Roma day 8th of April. This Youth Exchange gathered Roma and Non-Roma young people from different European countries to discuss and exchange their own identity, a history, achievements, end to develop a sense of pride regarding their heritage. Participants will go through these elements: Stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination; Human rights ; Dance, Theater; Music skills and final public performance
3. Seminar Roma Mobile books; Through the method of Living Library this seminar encouraged youth worker’s awareness and commitment to tackling these issues for a more inclusive society.