Funding Programme
Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
01.09.2019 – 30.09.2022
306,663.00 €
🇬🇧United Kingdom 🇱🇻Latvia 🇩🇪Germany 🇪🇸Spain 🇨🇿Czech Republic
Project Number
Euro Skills Trainer Register
The ESTER project was designed to the meet the needs of European skills trainers & VET organisations. Recent European statistics highlighted an unacceptable workplace fatality rate
associated with skilled operations undertaken in the construction, agriculture & forestry sectors of industry. The ESTER project focused on key high risk activities within these sectors. For example, falls from a height & machinery crush injuries are well known risks which were better prevented through quality training provision. Partners built upon the successful work of previous projects which developed for example the International Chainsaw Certificate (ICC) & developed a European skills trainer qualification for trainers providing the ICC & other products. In order to enhance training delivery the ESTER project facilitated best practice & high quality instructional standards & techniques amongst VET providers & skills trainers. This included a range of courses provided across Europe & beyond, exchanging knowledge, training innovations & expertise in the process, resulting in more experienced trainers & safer trainees. The project was successfully supported by associate partner the Awarding Body Association International (ABA).
Project Key Needs:
The ultimate project goal & key needs were as follows:
1. Develop an innovative formal standardised European skills trainer qualification, registration & CPD process with the support of ABA International
2. Develop innovative training materials for the benefit of trainers & trainees
3. Reduce workplace fatality & incident rates & associated economic and personal costs within specific sectors of agriculture & forestry
Key needs 1&2 have successfully been achieved. Positive indications provided by partners has shown that key need 3 is also being achieved even though it is a longer-term project goal
Key Objectives:
Achieving the key needs required the following objectives which were realised:
1-An innovative European occupational standards for skills trainers in train the trainer (TTT) was developed
2-Improvements in transparency and recognition of trainer skills via innovative European qualifications accredited by ABA International was established
3-Enhancement of trainer mobility & employability throughout Europe has successfully been achieved via a network of training providers
4-Promotion of life-long learning & continuous professional development of registered European trainers has been established
The project life-cycle included a number of tasks required to achieve the needs & objectives. These included for example:
• Industry consultations which included key stakeholders such as machinery manufacturers
• Seminar presentations which shared knowled
- ArB (Tree Care Specialists
- Internacionali un Sabiedriski Aktivo – Arboristu, Koku kopeju biedriba
- Investigación y Consultoría en Condiciones de Empleo y Salud Laboral, S.L