Filming at Intersections
Funding Programme
Small-scale partnerships in adult education
20.02.2022 – 19.08.2023
60,000.00 €
Greece Germnay Malta
Project Number
Filming at Intersections
FILMINTS is a follow-up project of “Through the Lens of the Other” (TLO) 2018-2021, a youth capacity building project involving 14 partners from 12 European countries, under the sub-programme ‘European Youth Together’. Throughout the TLO project we realised that adult individuals belonging to the same marginalised minorities (Roma, LGBTQI+, disabled, migrants, refugees, etc) face equal or more severe challenges than youth regarding their inclusion in society mostly as a result of long-term unemployment and embedded discrimination. Besides, discrimination and exclusion are group-specific features that correlate to higher unemployment rates, lower education and minimal access to social provisions across age groups.
Therefore, the FILMINTS arrives as an attempt to break the cycle of marginalisation – unemployment – exclusion and overturn the processes through the provision of an educational path and a series of empowering activities.
- Equip adult learners from marginalised groups with practical and creative tools for sharing their stories
- Support visibility of their causes & provide channels to communicate them
- Enable participants from marginalised groups to take ownership of the project
- Build solidarity among groups that face diverse types of discrimination
- Raise awareness about intersecting discriminations in EU
- Build capacity of partner organisations to address systemic discrimination in their advocacy work
-For the successful implementation of the project we foresee a balanced plan of local and transnational activities:
– Project launch
– Formation of Local Working Groups
– Hybrid Training on Communication and other Transversal Skills
– Local research for stories of discrimination
– Transnational Training on Filmmaking
– Production of short films
– Training on Advocacy
– Implementation of Advocacy campaigns
– Local and transnational dissemination events.
- Inter Alia
- Institute for Roma and Minorities Inclusion