Look at the past
Funding Programme
Europe for citizens, remembrance
77,750.00 €
Project Number
Look at the past and draw lessons for today
Totalitarianism emerged in Europe by World War II as a popular type of governance seeking to promote state power and reduce the power of civilians. Totalitarian governments establish rigid rules and regulations for citizens, controlled all aspects of daily life by making education, banking and other key services fall under the control of the governament.In this period with such negative attitudes and widespread razism , itwas easier for the totalitarian regims to implement a programm of mass abuse and murders. Roma were seen by the Nazis as being inferior, they were not as good a human being as the superior race. During this period, Roma were subjected to genocide and totally denied of their civil rights such as: voting, army restriction etc. Discrimination against the Roma, marginalization and ostracism are still prevalent in today’s Europe. EU Agency for Basic Rights (FRA) in 2016 presented a research where Roma in most of EU countries live in risk of poverty, one third live in households without any water to drink, segregation is schools, high rate of unemployed etc
Provide remembrance education to young people about the Roma Genocide
Commemorate the Roma remembrance day and send messages never again
With this project we organized 3 international activities involving 88 participants from all over the Europe, multiplying local events in 4 European countries involving more than 1 000 citizens. Various representatives from institutions were involved as well, such as: teachers from Universities and high school, academics, researchers, politicians, municipalities` representative at different level etc