The Guide for teaching national language for migrants is a multi-level resource for professionals and volunteers working for and with migrants. In its eight chapters you will find the reflections of professionals from Spain, Denmark, Greece, Italy and Germany on the why and how to teach the national language, introducing the analysis of teaching materials, the use of technologies, the transversal importance of environmental and gender contents and underlining the need to approach this hosting process from an intercultural dialogue of knowledge for the empowerment of migrants as guests and protagonists in their process of learning the host language and culture.
It is a Guide that contains links to all kinds of resources related to language learning, languages and toolkit on education and migration, a guide based on the pedagogy of hospitality that offers a dialogical view of what should be an encounter and a dialogue between cultures to encourage professionals and volunteers to reflect on how we should approach this first law of coexistence, which is to welcome those who come as an opportunity to grow and learn as a community.